Welcome to CEED


The CEED is a learning laboratory where Franklin County students and now students world-wide can explore its green technology and building design through problem-based learning.


The building is a PassivHaus-designed, LEED Platinum structure that uses the sun and wind to produce additional energy. It is expected to be a zero net energy building. Other conservation practices are in place, such as a rainwater collection system, to further reduce our impact on the ecosystem.


A new intuitive interactive dashboard has been developed to display real-time data from the CEED’s solar and wind energy generation systems and correlate generation to real-time on-site weather data. In addition building sensors monitor rainwater harvesting, solar thermal collection, and geothermal heating and cooling system efficiency.


New web-based lesson plans have been written by educators specifically for the CEED. The activity based plans integrate both Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and Next Generation Science Standards. The CEEDis a center where students can physically visit and participate in learning activities or through web access virtually explore ways to save and produce energy. The curriculum and building provides teachers with resources to help their students understand energy, and provides exploration opportunities for community members who are looking to improve their response to world-wide energy issues. Built as a school, the center also incorporates residential elements to show the relevancy of energy-saving practices and energy-producing applications for homes.

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